Rhinoplasty after nasal trauma

Rhinoplasty after nasal trauma

One of the main causes of nasal obstruction is derived from deviations of the septum due to trauma. These septal deviations, in many cases, are also accompanied by deviations of the nasal pyramid in its external part, which causes aesthetic anomalies.

The moment in which the septal or septoplasty surgery is performed, is the ideal occasion to also correct the anomalies and deformities that the nose presents in its external part, and therefore a specialist in functional surgery as well as nose aesthetics, will be the professional more prepared for its realization.

Nose surgery in a patient who has suffered a nasal trauma is a challenge for the rhinoplasty expert surgeon.

Extensive knowledge of the nasal anatomy, will allow the surgeon to identify the structures responsible for the deformity, and therefore choose the appropriate technique for correction.

Rhinoplasty in a patient with a traumatic nose is definitely complex, and experience is required to obtain satisfactory results, both in the aesthetic and in the functional field.

Dr. Pablo Casas, a specialist in otolaryngology and facial plastic surgery, is an expert in both functional surgery and nose aesthetics, offering the best service and surgical results in this field.

To request a consultation with Dr. Pablo Casas, you can contact our Clinic at Villa Benavente 11 1D de León (Spain), or by phone at 00 34 987 25 33 63.

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